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Thursday, 20 June 2013

Market Day

There are many festivals and markets, at times combined, in our country.  I suppose it says something of an ever changing economy.  The minute unemployment hits a certain mark, craft markets emerge as people are trying to make a living.  Not all markets bring in the money as I can attest, but you meet new people and listening to them always make you feel like you do not have it so bad!  That is the strangest thing!!

Over the last weekend I attended a market sharing with a lady I met at another market.  This is in farmers' territory and fresh produce could also be bought there.  The stalls were expensive to start with and although I had a few sales, I expected a bit more as there were lots of people moving through.

Here are a few photo's I took of our stall and just around where we were situated.

Our stall from a slight distance.

The 'Rox' lady across the isle from us.  She paints the most beautiful designs on rocks of all sizes. Her email address is: avheimerl@live.com and she also paints animal portraits (and lots more!).

A close-up of our stall.  My frilly summer scarves are hanging nearest to the camera.

This lady sold millions of shawls - all manner of them.  Her moneybag was swinging very low to the ground!

Always a tea garden with good eats, strawberries and cream and, very importantly, a good cup of tea!

These giant poly balls got a lot of attention and there were always people waiting for their turn.

We slept over at a friend's house on a farm.  Lovely old house and so big!  I slept in a huge bedroom with the most lovely crochet blanket on.  All hand made!  Very colourful indeed!

Beautiful and colourful!
This is all for today!  Hope that you will have a lovely sunny day, whether it is winter or summer!




  1. Looks like a lot of fun!!! I LOVE that beautiful blanket! ROs

    1. The blanket is really beautiful! She told me a week or so ago that she is buying yarn for another. Can't wait to see that one!
