Last week saw me starting on these caps. I have been looking at this pattern for some time now and because of the colorwork (think weaving different strands of wools over and under and having rather tight knitting) I really wasn't in the mood. But, sometimes all you need is a bit of boredom from doing what you are doing the same old way and you are ready to try something new. That's how it was! Bored to death with the same old, same old.
Anyway, did not turn out to be all that difficult! Did not have all the different colours needed for the entire pattern, but I used what I had and even if I must say so myself, the caps turned out pretty good! I am even looking at incorporating different designs on the cap as well as doing the cap without the earflaps. Those flaps, by the way, look great on perky young faces, but not so perky on old faces like mine! Still had a few balls of those 100% Merino wool from African Expressions in my stash, so I used those. The wool really, really knit up so good, besides being soft and warm! The pattern is from Creative Knitting Magazine, September 2011.

My granddaughter sporting the cap I have knitted for her featuring a pair of ears! Extra ears have never hurt anyone! This is the youth's small/medium size and I did not use the 4 needle method here, but 2 as per normal. The pattern was basically doubled, so it looks different from the others. Also, one has to be very careful when sewing up to make sure that the lines of the pattern matches up perfectly.
When you see the original pattern, you will see that it does not look like my creations whatsoever! I only used the tree chart and because I did not have excessive colours to play with, even the band around the hat looks different from that of the pattern.
This was the first cap that I have done and for the flap I used a 6mm needle that was at reflection, way to big for these flaps. They turned out to be more like elephant ears, but seem to look fine on men! If only those ears could hear! Cap turned out fine otherwise even if the flaps look a bit lopsided!
This is the children's cap that I have knitted for Gabrielle adding the ears as a playful element. Changes here were the flaps knitted in garter stitch and the whole cap being knitted on 2 needles instead of 4, making the band wider and somehow looking different from when you knit up with the 4 needles!
So all in all, they turned out very well and look nothing like the original pattern. Maybe when I have enough different coloured wools, I will do the original!
In the meantime, I am also finishing off a very beautiful little blanket for a special little person who is going to surprise us in April. I really hope that this blankie will keep him warm and content for many years to come.
Happy Friday and have a great weekend! Here the season is turning into a beautiful autumn that's bringing lovely cool weather after all the heat we had during summer!