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Wednesday, 23 December 2015

One super hot Christmas!

Today seemed to be the perfect day to blog. It is all quiet here, everyone's out. I stayed at home to make some jam and to have a bit of quiet time to myself.

Also busy on another blanket. Thought originally it would be blue toned, but after buying some lovely marked down yarn, the colours now variate between orange, blue and bits of pink! Looks like the cheap yarn is yarn that might have been incorrectly wound because the colours need to variate and they don't. So you will have half a ball of orange, a bit of blue, then a mix, but anyway, all in all the blanket looks cheery!

My veg garden is growing fantasticly and I have already eaten from it. The beans are growing towards heaven and my only wish would be to be able to climb up to the giant's house and take a few gold coins! Our economy has taken a turn for the worse and who knows what might be in store for us next year.

Tried to download some photos, but with no success! There is something wrong with the camera's card. I will have to get a new one.

Anyway, Christmas is around the corner and I would like to wish everyone who reads this blog a wonderful day with your loved ones and a stunning new year! I hope that everything that you wish for would come your way in 2016! Not all at once, that would be boring, but little by little so that the joy will last for a long time.

I will leave you with an image of a beautiful daisy I had in my garden!


Tuesday, 18 August 2015

When winter seems to go on and on and on........

what do you do? I feel forever too cold to do anything except sit on my chair in my room and knit/crochet. I have an extremely small space, but moved a chair in front of a window so always have a good light source at my back. Occasionally I would turn the chair around so that I can look outside to watch the birds and look at the flowers blooming on an old pallet flower box we made (I call it the nursery). I plant everything I can in there for blooms and cuttings and have been very successful doing that.

I have been very busy with my blanket making and my arms are feeling that totally 'enough is enough' spasms and yet, I have so much to do still. Keeping a market stall in goods take a lot of time and effort. That's all I can say! And is it worth it? I really do not know, at times I think it is (when people actually decide to buy what I make!) and at times I think that it is a total waste of time. BUT, I must also add that when people look at my knitted or made items and oh an ah over it, the feeling of 'we are thinking the same about things' is overwhelming. I love positive people! On all that though, I am starting to consider changing to facebook selling. I know people who have had a lot of success doing that.

 A lovely baby blanket I made for a friend's new baby boy as a present. It is beautiful!

 This is the underside, I padded it using soft flannelette material.

 New addition to the family, lovely cross breed, called Johnny!

My beautiful handsome grandson modelling a Shreg beanie!

Something else I have discovered lately is that I have become allergic to apples! After years and years of eating apples with their skins on, suddenly I am totally allergic to the skins. I have to peel every apple before I eat it and to tell the truth, an apple without a skin is not an apple to me! 

Well, that's me for today! Hope you will have beautiful sunny days with lots of blessings!


Thursday, 12 March 2015

Grannies and granny squares

At last I could find a way to get back into my blog to do one! Somehow something has happened to the set-up and makes it quite difficult to get to the new blog page set-up! Anyway, here I am and I for one, cannot believe that March crept up on us so suddenly! Summer is gone although we are experiencing some very hot days still. I LOVE AUTUMN so I am not complaining in the least!

I have been busy. Busy crocheting granny square blankets and I am thoroughly tired of granny squares! I don't even want to look at the beautiful blankets on Pinterest, so there! Saying that, I must still finish a small/medium blanket and then onto a queen sized granny square (what else!) spread and as I am sitting here, do not have the energy to do!!  Must still upload the pictures. Then I'll show you, thats to say if I can find my way into this blog again.

I have also slowly started gardening again. Had a fantastic bean harvest again this year. Even a few small buckets full of mini tomatoes and quite a few chillies. Those chillies that the dog did not bite or picked from the bushes! Can you believe the little devil! Even the tomatoes! Busy little thing he is.

Anyway, glad I could make it back here and hope to do so soon again! Let me now try and figure out how to load those pictures again as it seems the program must be installed again. If only stuff could stay as it was! I hate to do the same thing over and over again. Now you know why the granny squares are becoming a no-no with me:  too much of one thing and your creative mind gets stuck!

Enjoy the northern spring and our southern autumn!


Lovely flower from my garden!