Time is flying by so quickly that before you know it, the new month has gone and so it goes month after month. Every time I thought to blog, I would remember that the camera's batteries were flat and need to be recharged and then I never get to blogging.
Anyway, this morning I have decided to just sit down and write, pictures or no pictures! I have had quite a busy few months with making new goods for my market stall and looking after my grandson. Who, by the way, is more than a handful! Sitting down to knit/crochet or sew would be for the few precious moments the little darling closes those beautiful eyes (more often than not, for only an hour or so, but what the heck)!
The weather is definitely turning colder as winter is fast approaching the back door. I have planted a few lovely winter flowering annuals and can't wait for all the colour. Violets that were planted about 2 months ago, are flowering and the view from my bedroom window is stunning! Also planted some cauliflowers and salad greens and a few spinach plants. Hopefully they will survive the chickens scratching around them, over them and out with them (the general thing) and I desperately trying to rescue the wilted plants. Chicken no 1 is sitting on 9 unfertised eggs again while no 2 and 3 are scratching and pooing and generally doing their bit to mess all over the show. But, we still love them. Granddaughter has also acquired two rats as a birthday present. We'll see how that goes!
I am itching to start sewing up a bag, not just any old bag, but a nice one like the Dutch Sisters like to make. Mine will NOT look as lovely as theirs, but I'll have to start somewhere. The knitted bags are great, but totally slow sellers. And I need to sell after I have spent my precious pension money on materials. I have also started a new baby blanket and have been knitting dolls clothing. Besides that, I have two totally uncompleted (W.I.P.) blankets that I am trying to finish. The one needs a few more blocks as I have just sorted through my stash and took all the blocks that I have been knitting, etc and started to crochet them together for a truly patched blanket. The other is an exercise in ripple crocheting that ended up with a totally skew side. Ag, does not matter, I will see what I can do there, because I AM NOT PULLING OUT all that work!
Next time hopefully a few photos of the finished articles. At least the written word has triumphed here!!!